Do this and that and come back and do it again. What is it all for? What are you doing to yourself? What are you doing for yourself? I make a to do list nearly every day of the things that need to be done and boy does it feel good to take a pen and scratch the heck out of the task I just completed. I set minute goals so not only to I feel a sense of accomplishment but to set realistic goals that I can focus my undivided attention to. At the end of the day that piece of paper with goals and tasks all scratched out makes me feel on top of the world. Here are 5 things that you need on your to do list every day to feel more successful. 1. EXERCISEThere is no doubt we all could be a little more active and jumpstarting any day with a little cardio or weight training will help center your mind and body for success. The day depends on your first actions and for me getting a good start on the day is with a workout. It doesn't have to be super long just a good jump to get your juices going! 2. Small TasksSO what do you gotta do? like take out the trash, Start the laundry, pick up things for work...... WELL put it all on your list. The more items you have that are smaller the more often you get to go back to your list and mark it off. Each little task is important and imperative to your daily grind and marking it off feels so good. 3. Pamper Time/ RewardsAre you treating yourself? Do you write in time for your hair appointment, nails done? Are you going out for a coffee if you finish your list? Or maybe you go have a cheat meal and get yourself a donut? Write it in, Schedule it in, YOU DESERVE IT. That list is full of the mundane tasks and you know you have kicked butt working on completing it. You do you girl! ( or boy) 4. DowntimeThis one I have a SUPER HARD time following but more so lately it is important and becoming more important for me to stop doing it all. Your downtime isn't as big as your uptime but just like you working or getting things done it is just as important for you to realign your priorities and to reset for your next long to do list. Downtime you need to literally sit on that couch and stop, Play a game on your phone, read a book, take a nap. NO ONE can judge you for your down time when you are busting that to do list up! 5. The to Don'tsGoodness am I learning this one more than I ever thought I could. I am learning that there are things you DON'T need to do. You don't need negativity. Cut that out right now. Write it everywhere. Put this tidbit in your planner, your to do list, a post-it note by your mirror. Literally everywhere! Keep away from a negative mind and put bad things and thoughts as a to don't. More to don'ts can be things that we can all work on, Don't listen to respond, Don't give to receive, Don't let your emotions carry you away, Don't stew over mistakes or undone tasks, And DON'T be perfect!
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Before you head out the door on the wedding day Make sure you have your day kit with you.1.TissuesNo doubt this is a given, somebody at sometime during the day will spill the tears! 2. Lip gloss or Chap StickLots of kisses on the wedding day and you will need some lip coverage 3. DeodorantYeah, just don't forget it 4. Lady productsTampons, panty liners, pads etc. Stress and other life factors can bring Aunt Flow at the most inopportune times, Make sure you are prepared 5. Sewing kit/ Safety pins6. Tide penThere are spills, accidents and this pen isn't just for the bride but anyone who has something drop on them during the day. 7. RazorYour big day is happening and you are just about to put on that dress and OOPS, I forgot to shave my pits! Or something ... A razor in your pack will save the day! 8. Flats or flops!I get it girl, those shoes are amazing, they stun for sure but you will not be able to walk the next day much less dance later in the evening if you have been strutting all day in your pumps. 9. MakeupYou may have your makeup covered by an artist or already have it done but touch ups may be required if you cry, Mom kisses her lipstick on you and you have to rub off your foundation etc. 10. Hairsprayagain your hair girl just left and the wind is picking up, Make sure you have a can of spray to keep everyone in the bridal party looking like a queen! 11. Bobby PinsSpeaking of hair and keeping it in place, You may need a little extra help in keeping the fly aways down. 12. Nail ClippersSnagged nails or pesky tags on your dress. Either way you need something to get the job done without ripping your skin or your dress. 13. FOOd/drinksSo much is going on during the day forgetting to eat is NOT an option. 14. Phone ChargerMessages, phone calls, texts, posts etc You have a lot going on and your point of contact should not go down. Charge it up! 15. Cash/ ChecksRemaining payments to vendors, Tips for vendors or Hell even a soda for a pick me up at a nearby vending machine. It doesn't matter but don't forget to have something on you for the big day. 16. Old, new, borrowed, bluewhether or not you are following tradition your must haves or keepsakes that are part of your day shouldn't be left at home. This includes your jewelry or personal items that will complete you on your wedding day. 17. LotionYou DO NOT want thirsty hands and legs on your big day, No ashy skin or any other type of dry skin. You want to look flawless! 18. Pain RelieverAgain with the stress, the possible untimely womanhood, or your bachelorette party sneaking up on you, This is not the day for a headache. 19. Change of ClothesThis includes a comfy bra too! Make sure you have something you feel more comfortable in. Your dress may be the most amazing thing you have ever purchased but they can be heavy or itchy or down right breath constricting. Be comfy at the end of the day! 20. Toothbrush and toothpasteThe last thing you want is to have some foul breath as you practically run to your groom! Feel Free to add any of your lifesaving items in the comments!
I hope you have THE PERFECT wedding day! I love Summer, I really truly do but there is something about the crisp mornings and the smell of the leaves and Earth as they meet. Something about gearing up to settle in for a long Winter. ( I almost hate winter) I think we all look forward to Fall, people tend to start slowing down a little, the grass stops growing so dang fast and the Sun gets tired a little earlier, The trees sway with a song. Fall I look forward to most of all because of the sessions I begin to shoot and the natural warm tone that is in an unedited photo. I love the cozy sweaters in the some days we get to wear them in Kentucky. Don't get me stared on leggings ( God's gift, I swear) Here are a few upcoming events coming up That I am overly joyed for!October 5th Our Fall Campfire Minis Get them here:
October 26th Our Fall Family Mini sessions These sessions almost always automatically sell out when they are posted because Fall is a magical time for Family photos! Gearing up for Christmas we will have Multiple Christmas options for Minis as well, Our Pajama themed Christmas Slumber is Novemeber 22nd Get them Here: November 23rd is our Vintage Truck Christmas minis which sold out rather quickly as well. I love the Family love in our Minis!! Heading into December our Grinch Themed Christmas sessions are exciting and I can't wait for them December 7th Merry Grinchmas Get them Here: I hope you and your family come join us at some point during our Fall adventures! I am so super excited ![]() It took me all Summer to read a book. It was a very amazing and insightful book. It wasn't like it was boring it just took the back burner as the world around me evolved and changed and shifted into more than I could imagine. During this Summer I took a 9 day vacation to many locations in the southern half of the country, I enjoyed my family to the deepest and learned to let go as I completely unplugged my phone, Well nearly completely. I FOR REAL signed a lease and opened up a real life studio that I have put off doing for many years. I generally shoot outdoors and have no need to shoot inside into the winter months but shaking some things up and allowing for growth into new genres and different ways to look at things is always a good step. I shot nearly 100 sessions this Summer and met so many new families. Weddings hit a galore in the peak season and I have worked my butt off to make sure I am in the zone to hit the peak of this season full throttle. Through this I have learned more about myself. I am not the same person. I am not the same age. I am older but wiser for sure. BUT WOW. I have taken the time to sit back and realize what I am doing to really hit those check marks off on my to do list. AND NO this isn't a traditional blog post about who I photographed or what is new in my photography business but a revelation post about who I am and who I was when I began as a photographer. I set out with goals and I am finally proud of what I am doing and what I am producing. Verbally... well textually confirming that I am generally pleased is therapeutic and I challenge you to do the same. What are you doing? What do you want? What can you do to reach those goals? Be proud of yourself, who you are and what you are doing. If you can't be change it! Celebrate each step Sincerely, wonderfully and with love, Tiffani The Summer days will still be with us for a little while but our Summer break of laughter, travel and more memories is soon going to turn into school schedules, homework and full backpacks. I do look forward to my babies going on to the new year and with confidence of their journey's they pocketed through the 75 days of full throttle to dos and hope to dos. I just always have a sense of hesitation, the wish for a few more weeks to squeeze in the love to really watch them grow and their faces light up. Everything we do I try to look at it as if my children are remembering it. I want to know what their memories will hold and if they will tell their stories of their childhood over and over again to their children. I want to know what their fast being hearts yearn for and what I could do better to keep their magic going. Summer is a time of exploring a time of families and campfires. I know we still have more trips and things on our list of things we want to do, but I enjoy the spontaneous right now sort of things that organically happen in the Summer. The jump in the lake or sit back reminiscence of Summer air. I don't like to be confined and sometimes school feels that way. Sending them back means rough mornings ( some of them in the beginning) It means less hours of the sun and more time working. I know, I know life can't always be continuously carefree and fun days and we must earn them through hard work and concentration. Deep down it is just knowing for hours through the day I am going to miss them like ... well like something I can't explain. In the end I know I did everything I could to make this Summer an unforgettable one and one to really put in the books for their little hearts to create from. I am just being a selfish mom who counts down the time to see their faces again. School in a week means time to buckle down and get our bodies aligned to the hours and our minds set for a successful year. Time to plan and save for the trips that will set our hearts free to accept new parts of the world. It is a cycle I suppose is good to have even though I hold the brakes hard during this week coming up.
Here is to a new school year, new things to learn and more growth than I can give them, new teachers to love and new friends too. 2019-2020 year I know you are coming and are going to be amazing, just take it easy on this mama! Let me tell you about a little brick shack in Hardinsburg KY. I searched and searched everywhere looking for something I could call my second home and take photos throughout the winter. I made phone calls and even contemplated taking on the entire project of gutting a standing building and starting from nothing. After feeling defeated over and over again I finally decided to just give up, my dream of opening up my own studio has fallen short and after 10 years maybe it wasn't meant to happen. Well, driving trough town that day I passed a place that I have HUNDREDS of times before only to realize there was actually a " FOR RENT" sign in the window and the building had been empty for quite some time. That was it, That was this journey's new beginning. I quickly called for a meeting with the lady that owned it only to never get a phone call back even after I called and left a message twice. Again defeat was written all over me. Nope that's it the towel was thrown in ( not really because that is not who I am) I went by again another day and realized I had called the wrong number for days now! Way to go Tiff, Jeez I missed it by one number. My fingers excitedly put the number in the first time but one number off stopped me from getting an answer. Back to calling I got a hold of the sweetest little Dorothy and Soon thereafter had me my own little studio. I am just so excited to finally have an opening date. There is so much to do still but so much to capture and stories that will fill that building. Dynamite Image will have a home of it's own and add to the community on a whole other level. (deep breaths) I am ready to move forward to this big step with you guys. Stay tuned.
OPENING JULY 13th 2019 Webster, Kentucky holds a treasure of family time, laughter and lots of calming moments in a lavender field. Out on Fairview Lavender farm we have had the pleasure of photographing so many families and portraits. There isn't anything quite like sitting , running, or truly being immersed in your feelings than with a refreshing calming scent of lavender. I could literally stay for hours enjoying the view ( the place should be called great view) the birds and the bees that greet the farm with sweet tweets and the buzz of Summer approaching. This is my 3rd year going out to the farm and I fall in love more and more every year. I couldn't imagine a better way than to open June up every year in the field of tranquility. Here are a few of my favorites from our Lavender minis this year! The farm is equipped with a quaint store with lots of lavender infused desserts, skin care items and other goodies! Go see this hidden Kentucky treasure!
Maybe you have dreamed about what you want your family photos to look like. Maybe the wall that is bare above the couch is where you want to hang your favorite family photo from your session. Now it is time to plan what you will wear for your session and colors to pick out. Here are some tips to help you choose the right clothing! 1. What color are the walls where you will hang your photos?What the heck to walls have to do with it? Well the colors you have selected for your home can evoke warmth, edge or sophistication depending on the color. If you have a more neutral toned wall you could select neutral toned clothing or pops of color if you want the images to be a main focal point in the room. If your wall is a colorful wall you might consider doing a complimentary or contrast color. 2. What story do you want your images to tell? Do you want to tell a romantic story of open fields and dreamy skies. I would suggest jewel tones and earthy tones to really set the scene paired with maxi length dresses and a more formal yet comfortable clothing style. or maybe you want something more urban with architectural structures, if this is the case I would suggest locations with pops of color or letting your more relaxed clothing have color. You could want something in the woods where the lighting is not as harsh, there I would select neutral tones and often whites to let you and your family stand out. 3. Pick clothing for the seasonthis is a no brainer, pick clothing that fits the session of when you are having your portraits taken. Be sure to have most clothing solids in the group to make sure the focus is all on you guys and not distracted with patterns. 4. Choose timeless clothing piecesSuper trendy items get replaced time and time again. Be sure to pick something true to your style that you won't regret wearing a year or two down the road. Now for some visuals!
Follow this link to see clothing styles and coordinating colors that you might consider. These fit my shooting style. Stay tuned I am always pinning! The Green mansion lords over the quiet hills in Falls of Rough Kentucky. The historic home was built in 1839, the original property once was owned by George Washington and then later sold The Green family who then turned the property into a mill and cattle ranch. Willis Green, Jenny Green, Anne Green, Robert Green, are all names you can find within the home. Each room has a persona of it's own each set of walls houses it's own story. For me being within the home has a sense of peace and welcomed warmth. You can almost feel the story as you pass through. The Miss Anne Room is my all time favorite room on the lower level. The large room and huge bathroom really makes you feel at home. The room is has a fireplace as well as the bathroom. The Willis Green Room is right off the main stairwell in the home and has a very royal feel to it. It is large and lords over the home. It has an amazing view of the hills and sunrise. It is my favorite room upstairs. All 9 bedrooms are amazing and I am just truly in love with this home. It is a must stay in the central Kentucky area. All in all this place is breathtaking a definitely worth a stop and stay. See you in Kentucky!
There I said it. Photos aren't important that is why most of the time the images are left on a computer, usb drive, or disc. Rarely do they make it to a piece of paper. I am looking to change the fact that your images never leave the digital world. They never become a tangible item to hold and cherish. Therefore photos become irrelevant almost as if they were just a blank with no meaning. They are not truly used for their purpose. The photo itself holds memories, important times, and house unconditional love for the people within them. This last decade has become a time more than taking photos, it has been a time of meeting people and exploring the Earth together. Often sessions leave a warm special spot in my heart. I have truly spent the time with these people learning about their family, their homes, their dogs even. Knowing important parts of their lives help me to preserve a twinkle from their life, a spark from their soul. These photos are of actual times where the moment stood still, the moment that was suppose to pass but somehow got captured and is available to be lived, relived and revisited often. How can you revisit a memory? Photos! Printed ones. Life as a photographer has always been more about meeting people, sharing interests and of course appreciating the life we are given, the things we love, the breath we breathe. Which is why the photo aspect is important to me which completely contradicts the title but it is about who is in them, what story they tell. Photos are about a time to look back on. I go back through session galleries often and crack up over a joke the youngest told, I cry over a moment with a bride and her dad. I imagine me standing with my Son on his wedding day. I live these photos over and over again thankfully, wholeheartedly and deeply. These people I have met live their lives and I try to be a part of their lives going forward. I watch their life grow from Senior year well onto their growing family. I friend them on facebook and I share my life just as they share theirs. They have people who love them and cherish them more than I could but I know their legacy could go forward if they shared their photographs. Their moments not left or forgotten. You see, your photos aren't always for you, they mean so much more to those who have loved you, those who have raised you. Your photos are gifts, a part of you that needs to be shared. Your life and your expression of a person lies solely in your story. Print your images but not because I said so but I have seen them, I have cared for them and because someone out there will love the moments you shared, the moments they couldn't be a part of or a moment that can never be had again. I am so thankful for the opportunity and time I get to spend with everyone and YOU are important. To me, to them and your story. for the generations beyond us |
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